You know that I love my Smart car. Since owning it, I have had no regrets. The fuel economy is excellent and it is a fun car to drive. Alas, however, another car has caught my eye. The sad thing is, I'm pining for this car and it isn't available, yet. I'm talking about this radically new car that is powered on air. Yes, you read that right. Air. As soon as I am able to actually purchase this car, either here in Canada or abroad and then import it, I will. I'm talking about the MDI Air Car. I am almost in tears just thinking about how sweet this car would be. So what exactly is it?
After fourteen years of research and development, Guy Negre has developed an engine that could become one of the biggest technological advances of this century. Its application to Compressed Air Technology(CAT) vehicles gives them significant economical and environmental advantages. With the incorporation of bi-energy (compressed air + fuel) the CAT Vehicles have increased their driving range to close to 2000 km with zero pollution in cities and considerably reduced pollution outside urban areas.
This car runs on compressed air. That air is stored in a tank and then released via a valve into the engine when you step on the "gas". As the air decompresses, the engine is powered. Isn't that amazing?
I think the whole concept is brilliant. Love the fact that I could refuel it (fill it up with compressed air) in a variety of ways: from a gas station's air pumps, via my own compressor at home, or by plugging it in and having it draw outside air and compress it into the tank. Brilliant. Love the fact that there is no pollution coming out of the exhaust pipe. And I think the fact that it further reduces the need to "gas up" in the traditional sense is awesome.
It looks like currently, MDI is licensing their technology to automotive manufactures, who will then produce the road-ready vehicles. I wonder when and who will sign on in Canada? The day these become available here in Canada, as my as I love my Smart car, I'll be standing in line to buy one.
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