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    « iMockUps for iPad | Main | GoToMeeting on my iPad »

    April 07, 2010



    How did you get an iPad already? Did you go to the US? I was thinking of driving to Buffalo. Is that where you got yours?


    Great overview. Can you do one with the camera a bit more on the iPad. The interface is so sweet. Would love to see more. Can't wait till they start selling them here in Canada. I'm hoping to get the 3G version, but would like to hear from you how the WiFi version is working out for you.

    Grace McDonald

    I would be very interested in knowing how the books are and how it functions as a book reader? Can you buy books yet?

    Richard O.

    It would be great if you could do a review of some of the top business applications you think are of value. Enjoyed the video but would like to see more video of the iPad screen directly. Thanks!


    What do you think will be the real killer aspect of the iPad? So far, all the things you mention can be done with a laptop or netbook. I think the iPad has some real strengths, but I've yet to see exactly where it's sweet spot is. I look forward to your future post with more details on how you've been using it.

    BTW - great post on Sprouter. I'll have to check that site out.


    Let's see some close-up shots of the iPad itself. Less talking and more ACTION!!
    Don't want to see anything confidential in your documents but would like to see you working with Excel so I can gauge how effective the iPad might be for me.


    Nice. Glad you didn't unbox or go through the same-old-hype stuff. Be sure to give us the warts as well! I'm getting an ipad when they arrive here in Calgary, but I know that it won't be perfect. No tech is. I read your blog for the balanced pros and cons. The stuff that works and the stuff that only kinda-works. Maybe your full review can be more written stuff, some pics and a little video of some of the apps in action.

    Stephen Hayward

    Thanks for dropping by the office with your new iPAD. So do you have MicroStrategy reports coming through it yet?

    This is really nice, simple and directed to some very specific use cases. I think this would be perfect for executives as well. Very nice.

    Puma Shoes

    This is an outstanding written post, Thanks for yet an additional insightful post, as normally!

    Cell phone locator

    Good review, I need to read more before make a final decision, thanks for the article.

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