A break from the recent business/tech posts - let me indulge in one of my long time interests/hobbies: comic collecting. I want to write about apps that I think will be great on the iPad that have limited use on the iPhone. Thought it would be fun to talk about Panelfly.
The tagline for this app / service is "your local comic book store in your back pocket" - that makes me smile! I love comics. Have collected them since I was 4 years old. I'd seen this app for the iPhone and thought that the small screen size would be terrible for viewing such an illustrative form of content. I like to pour over the detail in my comics. I like to read the dialogue and study the art, picking up on details that the artist has poured his/her heart into.
The iPad, with the larger screen and rich colour screen, will make Panelfly a gorgeous app to behold. The iPad will change the way content is consumed, and it makes sense, that such a visual form of literature (comic / graphic novels) would be very well suited for the iPad. Does that mean I'll stop buying comics at the local comic store? No. I view this type of app as something that will augment comic reading. It doesn't seem to be available in Canada yet (boo boo), but hopefully it will become available in the near-future. If it does, this would definitely be an app I'd have on my iPad that I wouldn't use on my iPhone.
Stay tuned for future posts about iPhone apps that I think will rock on the iPad. If you have apps you'd like to suggest, feel free to post some thoughts in the comments below.