So I'm sitting on the flight to Las Vegas and thought I'd blog here on my iPhone quickly. I'm using the Typepad iPhone app, which will save this and publish it once I get back on the ground. That itself is awesome and worth blogging about (see post titled Mobile Blogging, which I will write after this one).
This post however is about the great sleeve I've brought along, the Jucie Pack Air. It acts as a case for an iPhone and has a built-in battery. It adds some bulk, which I don't like because it doesn't allow the iPhone to go into my belt-attached holster I use, I my intent is to slip it on when needed.
So, how did it fair? Well, my iPhone was down to about 40% battery life when I boarded the plane in Toronto. After being in the air for an hour or so, I decided to watch a movie. I slipped the case on and watch a two hour movie. Much to my happy surprise, when the movie was done and I exited back to my home screen, I have found my battery sitting at 92%. That is fantastic. It actually charged while running video for 2 hours. That is impressive. Definitely glad I brought it along and look forward to using it during the upcoming conference to extend my ability to blog and Twitter without running out of "juice".
This is one iPhone accessory that will definitely accompany me on future trips.