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    « Web-Based Operating Systems: The Wonder of Jolicloud | Main | The Emerging eBook Reader »

    December 29, 2009


    Peter Thomas

    Thanks for the link and the kind words - I agree with the points you go on to make, particularly the inevitability of some requirements only manifesting themselves once a prototype has been developed, or once a chunk of the system has gone live, or even after it has been in use for six months. People charged with managing BI projects should expect this type of thing and make allowances. One such allowance is not spending aeons trying to get every i dotted and t crossed before starting to cut code.



    Thanks Peter for the comment/feedback. I really support your approach / idea in terms of cutting code sooner rather than later and learning from the process as opposed to waiting till things are "perfect". I'm working on some other posts and thoughts around this as I help shape things for our Business Intelligence practice. As always, I'd welcome your continued feedback on this.

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