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    « Microsoft's Surface Computer | Main | The Power of Wikis »

    May 31, 2007



    It is amazing o remember I live thru all that stuff. The changes were phenomenal. I got into the computer business in 1965 having done my masters degree using the IBM 1620 for research in 1962. I think my first programs were on a PDP8, which an 8 bit word minicomputer. The program was to control a nuclear experiment in Chalk River Labs.
    Our company in the late 70's got a LISA, which did not work as well as it could but was phenomenal. I then moved to the MacIntosh until the pressure from clients to get on a PC in the 80's.
    I find it so interesting how both Steve and Bill knew that GUI was the wave of the future. I think it is such a shame that Apple dropped the ball when they had such a lead at the beginning.
    I still think the Mac has the best interface but really for what I use the computer for the PC is just fine. Maybe when I move to become a bigger user, I will move to Mac.
    Really great seeing those guys on the stage together. Is the rest of their discussion available?

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