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    « OK - Here "Wii" Go - Part One | Main | The Linux User Interface »

    November 22, 2006



    This review is worse than yesterdays. You admit that the systems graphics suck. Is that suppose to be encouraging? And you go on and on about the controllers. Pleeeeease. The PS3 already has the motion sensing controllers so WTF are you so excited about? Casual gamers like your wife won't make Nintendo rich - they need hardcore gamers who buy lots of games. The Wii is fun to play with? I bet most people will just play the sports game that came with the unit and that'll be it. Not a very winning strategy for Nintendo.

    I repeat what I said yesterday, the Wii is dead. A year from now this is what you'll see. Sony PS3, number one console in the market. Microsoft Xbox360, a distant second. Nintendo Wii, third place and forgotten.


    People like crackers make me laugh. Your zeal regarding the PS3 is boarderline fanatasism. Why can't you just be happy with what you have? If you have the best console, great...enjoy it. Don't spew crap though if you don't know what you are talking about. The Wii is actually selling more games for each unit sold than the PS3. 3 games sold with every Wii versus the 1.5 games sold with each PS3. The reason is because most people buying the PS3 just intend to sell it on eBay and make a quick buck. Don't beleive me. Here's the proof.


    the wii sounds so awesome! i want one.


    Great review mip. I just read yesterday and today's post. Sounds fun. Video game systems are a pretty polarized topic!! The real test will be to see who is most profitable. The Wii is a more profitable unit than the PS3. By that I mean that Nintendo isn't losing money with every console they sell. Microsoft was losing money but are now breaking even. Sony will lose money in the order of $300 for every unit sold (BluRay players cost $1000 alone, so in a $600 console, it is like getting a bllueray player for cheap and the gaming is thrown in for free). That strategy is not viable for long ter growth. Regardless of who sells more consoles in the next year, the real test will be to see who makes the most money from their consoles in the next year with regards to their game systems.

    Now my question is, what happens to the PS2? Is Sony going to continue to support it? Or kill it? Good link from jereedo - if you read to the bottom, the PS2 has been selling at an even pace despite their being new consoles on the market. In my mind, Sony should not abandon the PS2 market, although it they might see it cutting into their PS3 sales.

    john doran

    crackers: hardcore gamers care about GAMES, and graphics simply are not enough to makes games enjoyable; i know gamers that are the hardest of the hardcore (they've owned every system in the last 20 years), and they will be picking up the Wii AND the PS3 (they already have the 360), because they like playing GAMES.

    And as for the blu-ray player in the PS3, i will wait to see which of the two hi-def formats prevails in the war. that having been said, even if blu-ray wins, i will STILL buy a stand-alone blu-ray player to go with my PS3 because what I want is the best blu-ray player that i can get, and you can bet your bippy that it's not the one in the PS3.


    Wow, so much passion when it comes to these gaming systems. I choose not to buy any of these gaming systems, but I do have the original Atari. Graphics sucked but boy did I have a blast playing it - when I was 10.


    Hope your kids don't read your blog - would sure suck the surprise out of Christmas ... or create some real anticipation ...

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