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    « Where Have I Been? | Main | Wii Want to Play »

    November 10, 2006



    This idea of a tax had already been tried in Canada and the courts rejected it. Remember when people who'd purchased iPods when this tax was in place, the were refunded that money when the court ruled it wasn't legal. I don't think that this will be something we'll see re-introduced as mandatory for the iPod. If Microsoft wants to do it, then it will be their loss.


    I think this is an interesting marketing plan from Microsoft. They have clearly motivated the music industry to suggest and promote the use of the Zune as that promotion is money in their pocket.

    I think this has no plausable connection to the increase decrease of illegal downloads. Your points are correct MIP except, the fact that Microsoft has decided to give money to the music industry does not mean you are subsidizing the issue of the illegal stuff, only that the music industry has someone sucking up to them. This means two thigs to me:

    1. Microsft has done wonders to Sony in the playstation by losing money on each unit to make it up later in games. This may be the same model and now the music industry is motivated to provide their music to and the execs win.
    2. The musicians lose, they don't get a piece of this revenue as this is not a royalty for a song purchase.


    Good post Stephen. I agree, Microsoft has hurt Sony by adopting a lose-money-on-the-hardware strategy. The thing is, they make a lot of money on the sale of games. If they decide to go for a loss on the Zune, there isn't a lot of money in selling the tunes for Microsoft. For the Xbox 360, Microsoft makes additional revenue on games it produces, like Halo which was a run-away success and fees paid to Xbox live. They don't have that for the Zune. Content is solely owned by the music industry and the artists. Now, I do think, however, that Microsoft can and will adopt a lose-money strategy on the Zune just to hurt Apple's bottom line. Microsoft can afford to do this. Apple can't. In the end though, that only hurts the end consumer. What I don't get is this. Aren't there laws against predatory pricing?

    Strategies aside, from what I've read (obviously I haven't used a Zune...yet...but come Tuesday, I plan on testing one out when they are released) the Zune generation 1 is no iPod. I only hope that the overall music player market isn't hurt by Microsoft's tactics the way the browser and OS market have been over the past years.

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