I've been testing a great little application called Tangerine, which integrates with iTunes. I have so much music on iTunes that I live and die by my playlists. I create custom playlists like Kids Music for the Car, or Music For Writing. I also create smart playlists like Andrea Bocelli that aggregates all his music across multiple albums.
Tangerine adds a whole new dimension to creating playlists. What exactly is it? Well, from their blog we read
Tangerine lets you easily create playlists with upbeat music, or playlists for relaxing. It does that by analyzing the BPM and beat intensity of the songs in your iTunes library. As mentioned in the previous post, it analyzes the songs blazingly fast to the tune of more than 3 per second (on an 1.83 Ghz Core Duo iMac).
Ok, descriptions aside, here is a scenario that worked wonderfully for me. We had some family over on the weekend and my wife asked me to put some quiet background music on. Now I have a playlist for this that I've built over time (playlist name Dinner Music) but I hadn't updated it in a while. So I fired up Tangerine and asked it to create a playlist with a low range of BPM (that's beats per minute by the way) and a lower beat intensity. Because I'd run Tangerine before it instantly created a playlist for me pulling from all my music only the tunes that matched my criteria. I'd asked for the playlist to be 2 hours in length and it pulled 33 songs into the playlist for me. And that was it. We had nice, relaxing background music that was dynamically pulled together for me. In a word. Awesome!
Tangerine is currently in beta but as far as I can tell, it is a solid little application. You can download the current version here.