Welcome to this week's exciting show. Some of the topics we cover in today's show are:
- Apple's
BoringPress Event - Microsoft's Origami
- Who Is Blocking BitTorrent Traffic In Canada?
- Introduction of Two New Blogs/Podcasts
- Paint.NET
I hope you enjoy today's show. You can download it by clicking the link Download midweek_update_march_1.mp3 or you can subscribe to us in iTunes as well.
Have a great week!
Sadly the guys at TWiT hit it on the head with their prediction of the media player. It is never too late for them to launch the Tablet, but as Michael Dell says the Tablet is not a main stream enough product to add to their product list.
I think they could do a great job on the tablet that would suit their clique market set.
Posted by: Stephen | March 01, 2006 at 09:38 PM
Throttling is not something new. Take a look at an article at Business Week on what the Cable/Tel-Cos are doing in the US for reducing VOIP traffic that is not their platform and there is a movement afoot by the Telcos to start charging a tarif to VOIP, eBay, Google, etc.
All this because they are getting the content going across their networks that they hoped for in the past.
Better watch what you ask for and you just may get it.
I did a post on this a while ago as I was brutally surprised.
Posted by: Stephen | March 01, 2006 at 09:47 PM
Whether it's new or not, throttling is a bad idea when it comes to traffic over the public internet. Just because it's been going on with US providers doesn't make it right. The fact is that if Canadian ISP's are starting to do this we need to voice our concerns to protect the web we've come to know, love and rely on. Throttling will lead to a 2-tier internet. Who has the right to say which traffic is more important? You can see that AOL is getting a huge backlash to their plan for doing something similar.
So I'm going to continue to rail againgst ISP's who do this, especially ISP's that pretend in their marketing that they don't.
Posted by: mip | March 01, 2006 at 10:39 PM
Good segment on the Origami. Do you have any more news? The Microsoft site SUCKS because it's just a teaser. I heard it's just a smaller device running the tablet operating system.
Posted by: rich | March 03, 2006 at 08:14 AM