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    « Blackberry 7100t | Main | Linux Study Follow-Up »

    September 13, 2004



    I saw a news release that the OQO was coming out within two weeks and will sell for $1900. I was wondering if you had had the opportunity to actually review one of these handtop computers. Between the Flipstart and the OQO which do you think is the better unit? I would be using it for business and travel extensively between New York and LA so the portability of taking my desktop with me is really interesting.


    Unfortunately I have not received word on whether I will be able to review a test unit prior to its release.

    As for "OQO vs Flipstart?" that would be difficult to answer at this point since neither unit is out. My advice to you is to wait for the units to come out, see what reviewers say about them, evaluate what you need to do with such a device and make your decision from there. OQO will be out well before the Flipstart - so if you can't wait, then clearly the OQO would be your choice. I had read somewhere (can't remember where) that Sony was discontinuing its handtop after only a few months on the market, most likely due to weak sales (it was not as robust as the OQO and Flipstart and probably to highly priced for something that was more of an entertainment device and not for serious mobile computing) so the OQO and the Flipstart are the units to benchmark against.

    Lilly Marie

    Just be surfing around in net. I definitely fpund a very informal place with a lot of good stuff for everybody. I will
    certainly visit your site again sometime. Really good work.


    Did you ever get the chance to review this unit? What about the Flipstart? What about credible online reviews?

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